
Rebuilding a Down License Server

By Anna Liza Montenegro | IT

Because Hurricane Sandy has left many firms without power, there may be instances where offices with affected locations cannot access their license server. The quickest way to have your remote offices up and running is to establish a new license manager on an accessible server and obtain a new license file. Be aware that once power has been restored and the main license server is established, the temporary license manager must be removed in order not to violate license compliance.

To establish a new license manager, it is as simple as following three steps:

  1. Download the license manager onto a new workstation/server and install it.
  2. Obtain the new license file. The license can be obtained by either visiting or calling 1-800-551-1490. In order to obtain the license, you will need your Autodesk Serial Numbers, the Server Name, and the MAC address of the server.
  3. Configure the network license manager by configuring the FlexLM Service 1 and browsing the necessary file locations.

The following video provided via the link below details all the necessary steps:

How to install and configure the Network License Manager for Autodesk products (video):

Should you have any additional questions or require assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us via email at


Published on October 31, 2012 in IT.

About the Author

Marketing Director in New York via San Francisco and Manila. Anna Liza is a trained architect and inspired by technology. A fan of traveling, slow food movement, and summers in Maine with her kids. She has been with Microsol since 2004.